Tuesday, 04 Mar 2025
Mayflower is committed to support human rights in employment of staff with impartial and unbiased terms; highlighting on work diversity,
human capital progression as well as health and safety features at the workplace

At Mayflower, the Company has taken much effort in improving the well being of employees through the implementation of various activities
such as the human capital development through staff trainings, seminars and workshops to keep abreast and update the skills, technologies and
knowledge of the staffs which would enhance their competency and eventually add value to the Company. Health concerns are also addressed through
daily office cleaning and waste disposal services, regular air-conditioning servicing, and periodic fumigation and pest control initiatives. In terms of safety
concerns, it was addressed through the adoption of defensive driving skills by our drivers and well-maintained young fleet of vehicles. The human resources
department also ensured that there is a healthy mixed of gender when recruiting staff.

Exciting sports club activities are organized throughout the year such as paintball, bowling, white water rafting and etc. Incentive rewards program
was introduced for staff recruitment recommendation, yearend bonus and educational trips for staffs, hospitalization and serious illness treatment
benefits and establishing awards such as “Chairman’s Awards” in recognition of the staff and their family
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